
Friday, 23 June 2017

Book Order...

You'd think, what with all the research I've (Paul) done for this Podcast, including setting up this blog and checking the exact dates for publication/copyright registration, I'd have got the statement about the next book we're looking at right in the last podcast wouldn't you? Well, I didn't.

The next in the 87th Precinct series that we'll be reading and chatting about is, of course, "Lady Killer". I said it was "Killer's Wedge" which is the one after that. I think I'm just really quite excited about that one. Also I think I had them organised wrong on my shelf. 

Always check your workings-out, kids. See you soon for "LADY KILLER"!

Thursday, 22 June 2017

New Logo

It was about time, six books and fourteen episodes in, to have a little rethink of the log. We still love the drawing Lorraine did of the 87th Precinct frontage and it'll probably continue to have a home/purpose, but I wanted something a bit more stark and stand-out for social media, that can fit the squares and circles that the various sites constrain the image into, so here's the new icon:

Nothing too flash, but the words 'Hark!' and the number '87' stand out more. The yellow colour is sampled from the title colour of the first edition of "The Mugger", which you can see on our twitter feed, where it has been animated in 2.5D (for experimentation's sake).

Thursday, 8 June 2017

Killer's Payoff - Episode Six, Bonus Episode: Bob Monkhouse & The Spanish Civil War

Hark! It's the 87th Precinct podcast BONUS EPISODE!
Are you looking for: A rubbish story about shopping? The sound of some men smelling books? Impressions of Melvyn Bragg? Silly Robot Voices? Well, you've come to the right, er, podcast. We take our usual look at the covers of our books and then get a bit silly. Thanks for listening!

Tuesday, 6 June 2017


A couple of site updates as I slowly build up the information on here: I've added a short biographical note to the 'Ed McBain' page and included some links to online radio programmes with interviews that McBain took part in over the years. I'll add any more as I find 'em and keep fleshing it out. 

Friday, 2 June 2017

Ed McBain's Killer's Payoff - Episode 6: Rick Astley As A Dr Who Magician

Hark! It's the 87th Precinct Podcast - Killer's Payoff!
We don't so much review the book as much as skirt around it in a conversation which features first lines from Sci-Fi novels, Murder On The Orient Express and which model trains are available, how to pronounce (or not) 'Adirondacks', Irish policemen's belly-buttons and a load of other nonsense as well!
Please share and like, subscribe, comment, on this or iTunes or wherever you fill-up your Podcast knapsack! Bonus episode coming next week!